I really like Rand Paul. Hope to see him in a meaningful role.

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This is a great point, Brenda Ingram. There is so much to clean out in the sprawling federal bureaucracy in the health field and in so many other areas. Rand Paul would be in a great position to do it because of his long-standing commitment to the U.S. Constitution. Imagine how much more he could do if he spearheading the cleaning of the prosecutors and the state bar associations who have committed disbarrable conduct in removing Trump's fair trial rights. How bad has it gotten? Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago that exposes the corruption. It is entitled "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three." https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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Love your forward thinking...! Let’s ROCK! Great line up.

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Good Article! Oh let that pendulum swing! What many knew all along, those who were financially, and professionally deplatformed - shunned by colleagues and friends, unable to treat - prevented from saving lives with successful protocol by Fauci and his cronies. Let that pendulum knock them off their greedy, murdering pedestal and answer for their crimes against humanity.

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This is a great quote from Wild Blower. "Oh let that pendulum swing!" The health elites

have been riding high on the hog, without accountability for seemingly forever. But the health cabal is not the only unaccountable force. There are also the prosecutors, the state bar associations and the judiciary. For 61 years and counting, they have never had to answer to the American people for their wrongs. There are very specific rules that mandate they be disbarred for breaking them. Yet this reality has been covered up. Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago that highlights this corruption. It is entitled: This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It Is The Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three." Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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All of us deserve the truth. No matter how bad and ugly it may be, but only the truth will give us inner peace and will allow us all to move forward.

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This is a great quote from KD. "All of us deserve the truth." In addition to the corruption of the health elite in the federal government, the prosecutors, the state bar associations and the judiciary have all been on a rampage of wrongdoing under the rules of professional conduct. The key to their success is that the American people don't know they have been doing it.

And as KD said, "all of us deserve the truth." This is the truth that the American people need to know in this field. Then they can decide what to do with it. Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago, that covers this truth. It is entitled "This Is The Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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I don’t think when this truth is exposed it will bring peace because it exposes how many are willing to silently allow this to happen exposes our evil hearts.

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Who is our? The truth will set us free, and hopefully kill and incarcerate the guilty.

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That’s no reason to overlook the crime

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And how do you route out evil hearts without exposing them ?

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This is a timeless and fantastic rhetorical question by andrea: "And how do you root out evil hearts without exposing them?" That is so true with the health elites in the federal government. As long as they are not exposed they can continue to get away with wrongdoing. Yet there is another long-running evil that has been going on for 61 years. It is the evil of the prosecutors, the state bar associations and the entire judiciary. The rules of professional conduct say that these people must needs be disbarred for their activities in ruining the fair trial rights of suspects and accused defendants under the Fifth and Sixth Amendment. Yet the American people have been kept in the dark about this reality. That is why "exposing them" will be the first great step in cleaning out the corruption. Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago, that documents this reality. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three." Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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I am curious... Has the Trump team heard of Omega4America and the quantum fractal technology they are proposing to decrease mail in ballots fraud? They state they have found millions of ballots being mailed to non residential addresses and can eliminate them prior to being counted. If this is true, why isn't this technology being utilized?

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Great questions I just learned about this they are using state tax rolls then rolling into courts with irrefutable evidence for judges.

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I sure hope so. Weren't a million ballots removed in one state...maybe AZ?

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Texas I believe.

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I d love to know more about this!!

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Omega 4America will have information calling out fraud from all sides and help us understand the process used for the steal

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Not heard of this but it sounds like just what we need. Why would any side oppose it? Let’s hope it’s used !

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Nice thought but we’re going to make Bobby the AG and tell him he can prosecute Pfizer/BioNTech, the Biden’s, Obama’s, Clinton’s, and Bush’s.

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Except RFK says it all came from the DOD, and Pfizer & Moderna just slapped their names on it.

Bourla and peers must h-a-n-g.

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Randje, please see The Runnymede Report's reply to David Merrifield.

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AND have some influence over health issues!

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There are many great choices for AG. Jeff Clark, Ken Paxton, and other aggressive lawyers.

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Ted Cruz?

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Ruth H is right. There are many great choices for AG, including the focus on aggressive lawyers. The DOJ as it currently stands is totally corrupt in that its actions are politically motivated and not legally and ethically motivated. Yet an honest and independent AG

can spur the process in eliminating wrongdoing from prosecutors, state bar associations and the entire judiciary. How bad is this wrongdoing? Here is a newsletter, just published two days ago, that documents this. It is entitled "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three.

Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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This!!! I want this!

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I like Bobby’s at AG. He can do more that way.

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Hi Jennifer, please see the reply to David Merrifield.

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If RFK, Jr. is serious about prosecuting these people, he can start with the root of the problem which lies with the prosecutors, the state bar association and the entire judiciary. Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago that documents this root. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA

Alvin Bragg." Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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RFK, Jr should be the attorney general. Let Rand, who is a doctor, head HHS. Then we can clean house on two departments. Now we need a medical military freedom fighter to be secretary of defense.

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Big yes. And let Tucker be press secretary.

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Hi Shawn Bartosh. Please see the Runnymede Report's Reply to David Merrifield and Ruth H.

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They better be ready to take down more than Dr. Fraudci…..

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Hi Smart Sucka. Please see the Runnymede Report's reply to David Merrifield and Ruth H.

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Finally, a brilliant ray of sunshine.

Thank you God 🙏

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Keep fighting against the tide of the “Deep State”!

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This is a revealing and great quote from Beverly Dow: "Keep fighting against the tide of the Deep State." Indeed, the "Deep State" takes many forms. Here is a great illustration of how this tide works. Say the FBI and the CIA have politically decided to go after a person that they feel threatened by. Say they also want him to be prosecuted by the prosecutor. Because their motive is wrongheaded they then tell the prosecutor to get him no matter what it takes.

So the prosecutor obliges and enlists the help of the news media to demonize the defendant those making the way for an easy conviction. Yet to do so violates the rules of professional conduct that governs the prosecutor. So the entire judiciary and the state bar association join with him and the CIA and FBI to make sure he faces no accountability. So how do we stop the tide of the Deep State with these wrongs? We demand that these forces be purged. Here is a newsletter that documents why this has to happen. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three. Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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Just Do It.

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Hi John P. Wallis. Please see The Runnymede Report Reply to Beverly Dow.

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Correction 40 states. Bill Gates is right up there with Fauci and should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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Fauci is a prick and a criminal, but thinking Rand Paul has secret emails that will finally expose him and lead to prosecution for his role in the Wuhan lab is pure fantasy—like believing in Tinker Bell. This guy is a slippery little weasel New Yorker. He will never be prosecuted for his crimes.

First of all, COVID-19 was never a significant threat to healthy individuals, especially children under 20, none of whom died from the virus. The fatalities were overwhelmingly among those with severe comorbidities—people who were already in poor health. I believe that hospital protocols may have even hastened their deaths. The virus didn’t cause their deaths; it merely complicated their already failing bodies. So, I'm trying to have him prosecuted for making a deadly virus in Wuhan, which is ridiculous . It wasn't deadly.

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Charlie SF Bay Area Local is right in his thinking that Fauci can slip through from being caught due to his layered protection from what is called the "deep state." However, there is one institution that does not have that slippery protection. It is the American judiciary with the prosecutors and the state bar associations because they have clear rules that cannot avoid escape. The problem is that the American public has been blinded from this reality. Here is a newsletter that exposes it. If enough people get educated then that is the first step in taking down this house of cards. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three." Here is the link: https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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That’s the same judiciary that Clinton, Obama, and now Biden has been packing with progressive liberal lefty retards for 30+ years.

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The FDA/HHS is at the top of the list of runaway 3-letter agencies. It’s easy to talk about eliminating the DOE because every State can already handle education. But the FDA is more complicated and it’s better to discuss limits on terms, spending, and jurisdiction than elimination. Any 4-year-limited politician will not be able, imho, to create the necessary changes. The FDA and Big Pharm are in a very tight embrace which has resulted in modified hormone levels and mental health issues at the core of what is wrong in our nation. We the people must commit to long-term activism to turn this ship around. Trump and Kennedy at the helm would merely be a pause in the destruction our federal government is creating. THAT should be the lesson of the past 7-8 years. Citizens need to activate! Personally, I recommend https://conventionofstates.com/?ref=55131

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It’s gotta be purged. And subject to REGULAR review by citizen, layman panelists, well briefed on what they need to ask.

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This is a great quote by Randje: "It's gotta be purged. And subject to REGULAR review by citizen, layman panelists, well briefed on what they need to ask." Though this is true for the health field abuses, it is also monumentally true for the legal profession's prosecutors, state bar associations and the entire judiciary. They have been self-regulated for many decades. Yet, they will not regulate which is why outside people have to insist that it be

purged. Here is a newsletter that exposes how deep this corruption is, thus mandating the need for a sweeping purge. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three. https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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This is a fantastic quote from Denah Butts: "We the people must commit to long-term activism to turn this ship around." And "Citizens need to activate." The American government, both at the federal and state level, have for decades gotten away with keeping the American public in the dark while their prosecutors, state bar associations and the judiciary have gotten away with routinely breaking the rules of professional conduct in destroying the fair trial rights of suspects and accused defendants to fulfill "political" objectives. It is weaponization but it is

weaponization that breaks the entire purpose of the rules of conduct. What to do about it?

As Denah Butts says, "Citizens need to activate" to demand that the wrongdoers get out of the law business for doing it. Here is a newsletter, published just two days ago, that documents this horrendous condition. It is entitled: "This is the Professional Misconduct that the Supreme Court Buried. It is the Record of New York DA Alvin Bragg. Part Three. https://therunnymedereport.substack.com/p/this-is-the-professional-misconduct-501?r=3tdx2w

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God bless them for what they do!

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Hello Mary Lou Tringali, PhD. Please see The Runnymede Report Reply to Beverly Dow.

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He’s a mass murderer

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