I do hope in this "one" instance that President Trump follows Joe Biden's DOJ Garland and removes "all" Senate confirmed U.S. attorneys appointed during the Biden Administration. I doubt there is one that is worth a damn!
So as soon as Bondi gets into her office, this is her first order of business. Second, she must remove or send to Fargo, ND, Matthew Graves! As he continues to arrest people for January 6, 2021, just days before the inauguration of President Trump. This evil and despicable bag man for Garland must be sent somewhere to wallow in his failure as a man who has trashed the rule of law without mercy.
The Biden DOJ and all who surrounded it, caused unspeakable damage to our country, hunting down American citizens with squads of volunteers Garland called the "Sedition Hunters"! He deployed the FBI SWAT teams to arrest and shackle people with no criminal records, and no history of violence. They demanded defendants plead guilty to 2 misdemeanors to ensure jail time. Meanwhile, Venezuelan gangs have marshaled their forces throughout cities across the country, terrorist attacks have occurred, crime is out of control, and criminal illegal aliens are robbing us blind. It is hard to describe the depths to which these people have gone and if I hear one more Republican in Congress or media say "oh, let's just turn the other cheek and show we are so much better than they are", we will again suffer at their hand. They do not learn, they do not want to learn, and they will never stop.
It is now or never to use the law, correctly, to go after them all. Every attorney and judge that charged and destroyed the lives of American citizens using legal tactics never before seen, laws used in ways that were not designed for judges to rule, yet they did, prosecutors who colluded with each other to ignore due process, and a man who murdered a woman in the Capitol who was promoted to Capitan within the police department, and another who beat another woman who was lying on the ground at the tunnel into the Capitol and soon died. This officer also received a promotion and a free trip to the Super Bowl.
It is time for the law to work and it is time to hear from the people of January 6, and their attorneys, such as Christopher Macchiaroli, who was shocked by what he saw from the DOJ. Labeling all as insurrectionists, as they walked into the Capitol and took pictures for a few minutes and were charged and prosecuted.
The leftwing will be ruthless as it regurgitates lies and distortions when the Trump DOJ does its job and follows the law regarding the abuse of power against the people during January 6, 2021. And the people will understand since this dark era of retribution under the Biden Administration cannot go unchallenged. If we once again, turn the other cheek, as we did after Crossfire Hurricane, the next scheme will bring us over the cliff since we were almost there until November 5, 2024. So, this is the time and there won't be another.
I do hope in this "one" instance that President Trump follows Joe Biden's DOJ Garland and removes "all" Senate confirmed U.S. attorneys appointed during the Biden Administration. I doubt there is one that is worth a damn!
So as soon as Bondi gets into her office, this is her first order of business. Second, she must remove or send to Fargo, ND, Matthew Graves! As he continues to arrest people for January 6, 2021, just days before the inauguration of President Trump. This evil and despicable bag man for Garland must be sent somewhere to wallow in his failure as a man who has trashed the rule of law without mercy.
The Biden DOJ and all who surrounded it, caused unspeakable damage to our country, hunting down American citizens with squads of volunteers Garland called the "Sedition Hunters"! He deployed the FBI SWAT teams to arrest and shackle people with no criminal records, and no history of violence. They demanded defendants plead guilty to 2 misdemeanors to ensure jail time. Meanwhile, Venezuelan gangs have marshaled their forces throughout cities across the country, terrorist attacks have occurred, crime is out of control, and criminal illegal aliens are robbing us blind. It is hard to describe the depths to which these people have gone and if I hear one more Republican in Congress or media say "oh, let's just turn the other cheek and show we are so much better than they are", we will again suffer at their hand. They do not learn, they do not want to learn, and they will never stop.
It is now or never to use the law, correctly, to go after them all. Every attorney and judge that charged and destroyed the lives of American citizens using legal tactics never before seen, laws used in ways that were not designed for judges to rule, yet they did, prosecutors who colluded with each other to ignore due process, and a man who murdered a woman in the Capitol who was promoted to Capitan within the police department, and another who beat another woman who was lying on the ground at the tunnel into the Capitol and soon died. This officer also received a promotion and a free trip to the Super Bowl.
It is time for the law to work and it is time to hear from the people of January 6, and their attorneys, such as Christopher Macchiaroli, who was shocked by what he saw from the DOJ. Labeling all as insurrectionists, as they walked into the Capitol and took pictures for a few minutes and were charged and prosecuted.
The leftwing will be ruthless as it regurgitates lies and distortions when the Trump DOJ does its job and follows the law regarding the abuse of power against the people during January 6, 2021. And the people will understand since this dark era of retribution under the Biden Administration cannot go unchallenged. If we once again, turn the other cheek, as we did after Crossfire Hurricane, the next scheme will bring us over the cliff since we were almost there until November 5, 2024. So, this is the time and there won't be another.