No thoughts on Children's Health Defense back on 'Facebook'. I certainly don't have anything to do with it... lol 😜 but keep up the fight to get the result you want 👍
Trump has effectively censored Facebook from fact checking. Zuckerberg doesn't want to do it because it costs money and it's difficult but Republicans like to lie and spread propaganda so they're going to celebrate this.
It's not biased to say the Republicans are wrong all the time because reality doesn't change just cuz you're always wrong.
This very page is a lying page You're a liar whoever runs this profile.
I heard that a musician influencer my friend follows, with thousands of followers, got taken down mid live stream on YouTube over a week ago for even debating left/right views on Trump
BULLSHIT, none of the walk back would have happened if there hadn't been a Trumpelton win..
100% correct. At least he does claim he will not censor anymore. Google, YouTube are still full on censoring.
Hey Mark, I will believe you when you allow Children’s Health Defense back on Facebook. You are not looking so good right now!
No thoughts on Children's Health Defense back on 'Facebook'. I certainly don't have anything to do with it... lol 😜 but keep up the fight to get the result you want 👍
Purely to serve his own interests and the preservation of Meta.
Lies lies lies from the demon ZUCK.
Fuckerberg is a liar and this facebook shit needs elimination
On a very short leash, this one please
This is what censorship looks like.
Trump has effectively censored Facebook from fact checking. Zuckerberg doesn't want to do it because it costs money and it's difficult but Republicans like to lie and spread propaganda so they're going to celebrate this.
It's not biased to say the Republicans are wrong all the time because reality doesn't change just cuz you're always wrong.
This very page is a lying page You're a liar whoever runs this profile.
I don’t buy it
Don’t trust Zuck, he blows with the political winds.
By employing CIA operatives to control Meta, mainstream media, and other platforms.
I heard that a musician influencer my friend follows, with thousands of followers, got taken down mid live stream on YouTube over a week ago for even debating left/right views on Trump