For far too long, colleges and universities across the United States have been infected with wokeness. Professors are ostracizing young people who dare to articulate even the most milquetoast views that aren’t hard left. Across one campus after the next, it’s been made clear that young people who won’t bow down to leftist groupthink aren’t truly welcome.
It gets worse than this, though. Over the past years, there’s been a rising display of violent riots across universities. Demonstrators are in favor of not just Palestine, but also Hamas. Moreover, they’ve been making threats against Jewish students and acting so out of control that law enforcement’s had to intervene.
Free speech, for all intents and purposes, is on life support across colleges in this nation. However, that’s all going to change very soon, given President Trump’s return to the White House next month.
Trump Isn’t Going to Stand For This Chaos
Behind the insanity that’s taken over higher education in this country are the academic elites who are permitting this to happen. If these folks wanted to, they could implement zero-tolerance policies for violent political riots, while ensuring that the right to free speech is protected. However, said academics determined that tyranny is OK, so long as the tyrants are promoting a radical left-wing agenda.
The buck stops on January 20. President Trump has made clear that colleges and universities engaging in this behavior will pay the price for it. This means they can kiss goodbye their grants and federal funding.
Why should taxpayer dollars go to facilities that are endangering students, depriving them of a healthy learning environment, and shutting down the open exchange of ideas? It doesn’t make any sense.
If students bring up points that certain academics disagree with, there are constructive ways to handle this. Students can partake in debates and other controlled settings where various narratives are challenged in the court of public opinion.
Shutting down speech, on the other hand, isn’t acceptable. Neither is penalizing students who deviate from leftist propaganda talking points.
Young People Are Opting Out
While the Trump administration won’t stand for woke universities, students who would ordinarily attend these schools are also pivoting. Over the past decade, there’s been a notable decline in students going to college.
Some are deciding to study trades, join apprenticeships, or even start their own businesses right after high school. For a very long time, young people were told that going to college or university was the only way to have a good life. However, we’re all seeing that this isn’t true in many cases.
Today, countless college graduates are working entry-level, minimum-wage jobs. This tracks with the rise of young people having trouble finding work in their fields, even after doing what they were told and pursuing higher education.
Amid the rise of automation, this problem isn’t going away anytime soon, either.
Student Loans Are Another Factor
If the suppression of free speech, rise of violent riots, and embrace of woke curricula weren’t bad enough, many universities just aren’t worth what they’re charging. Many students who’ve gone to these schools simply cannot afford to pay off their student loans. Some are spending decades in debt, with very little to show for it in comparison to what they were promised.
As time goes on, more young people have decided that sinking themselves into the financial red for half of their lives just isn’t worth it. This is yet another factor that’s causing fewer students to go to college or university.
Within the past five years alone, society has begun to acknowledge that there are other paths to a fulfilled, successful life beyond formal higher education.
It’s Time For Across-the-Board Action
Woke universities that won’t ensure students’ safety and education need to pay the price for it. This should happen at the federal level, with grants and other federal support being pulled. However, students - who are relied upon by colleges and universities - should also stop enrolling in these schools altogether.
This could very well be the only way that academic elites get the message. For a very long time, they’ve been able to ignore young people’s concerns about free speech, personal safety, and student loans. However, if fewer students are entering the doors of colleges and universities, if the grant money dries up, eventually these schools are going to learn a hard lesson.
If academia continues on its current trajectory, higher education as we know it may look very different in the years ahead. Growing amounts of young people are taking action to avoid unsafe environments where they risk ostracization from their peers and professors. Parents are also leery about sending their kids to campuses where violent political displays cause classes to be canceled for days on end.
Wokeness, when it’s all said and done, is not sustainable for the long term. We’ve seen this time and time again across various industries. Higher education is just the latest domino to fall.