Some children across the world recorded a reenactment of the attempted Trump assassination. Donald Trump Jr. reposted it on X and called it “Amazing.” The children set up a podium, and acted out the events perfectly, including Trump rising from the ground to say “Fight, fight, fight!” as blood streamed from his ear from the bullet that grazed him.
The most interesting thing is how the entire world seems to understand that Trump is fighting the Deep State. Even Vladimir Putin has said that he is astounded at the “uncivilized means” used against Trump, including “multiple assassination attempts.”
Why the Deep State Wants Trump Gone
As Tucker Carlson has commented, the Deep State wants Trump gone. They’ve attempted to get rid of him by impeachment, lawfare, rigging elections, assassination attempts, gagging him, and putting him in jail. They’ve called him “a threat to democracy.” They’ve called him a liar and a criminal. Kamala Harris based her entire campaign on defaming his character, even though for 28 of the last 36 years, the Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, and Bushes have controlled our country, running it into the ground.
Nothing has stopped this man. He is relentless. Even if you aren’t a fan of Trump, you’d have to be blind not to notice the extreme measures that the Deep State and the Democrats have gone to for him not to take a second presidency. This begs the question. Why do they want him out so badly?
Trump is exposing the decades of crimes that the Deep State has perpetrated against the American people and the entire world. He’s trying to finish the job that John F. Kennedy himself tried to start. They’re trying to assassinate Trump for the same reasons they killed Kennedy.
Trump is going to declassify all the JFK files, and the world will know just how corrupt the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and 99 percent of our federal government agencies truly are. If he does this, along with the awakening that’s already under way, the world will never allow another corrupt regime again. They will no longer be able to walk around blindly talking about transgender rights and DEI as if these are real problems we’re facing.
The entire puppet regime will be seen for exactly what they are. There will be no more poisoning of our food, forcing Big Pharma’s medicine on the masses as part of depopulation plans, robbing us through infinite taxes, sending our money to pay for infinite proxy wars, and trafficking women and children, primarily, through pedophilia rings spread across the world. It will ALL crumble.
Trump Is The Only President in 72 Years That Didn’t Start a War
Do you know what else will stop? War racketeering. Isn’t it funny that no war happened under Trump’s last presidency? He’s the only president in 72 years who ruled without a war starting. He prioritized diplomatic relations and America’s strength over the profiteering of BlackRock and the corrupt construct of war. Trump won’t allow forever wars. Why is this distressing to the Deep State? Well, let’s look at some numbers.
BlackRock and Ukraine are intimately tied. We just sent billions to Ukraine, but guess where the money really ends up? That money goes to defense contractors that are paid through the U.S. government. Larry Fink, BlackRock’s CEO signed a contract to rebuild Ukraine after we’ve sent taxpayer funds by the truckload to arm them to fight a proxy war. Does it start to make sense now?
Trump also won’t allow Americans to be poisoned with vaccines created by the CIA, the DoD, Fauci, Ukraine, and the Deep State. He won’t sell out the people to special interests. He’s talking of ending the Fed, ending taxes, ending poison food through RFK, ending the transgender, child grooming stupidity, and more. This is against everything the Deep State stands for. This is why they’ll stop at nothing to stop Trump from taking power.
Even small children understand how momentous it is for Trump to be president now. They understand, in some small way, that this man can change America but also change the whole world and end the tyranny that’s become like a disease. Ending the Deep State isn’t child’s play, but they get it, and so do you.
Americans love political fighting, but do not get distracted by the foolishness.
WAR is the only real issue. Not only in what it costs all Americans financially, but in the lives of humans no matter their nationality. This is a price that must be paid by all of us who allow it, even through distraction or inattention.
Do not ever believe that politicians, including the president, are not paid for allowing these wars, that the majority of Americans do not wish to fight. Just do the math. Count what these war hawks had going into office and what's in their pockets after the fact.
We are murdering Ukrainians and Russians NOW for money. If you have any contact with your soul, ask what price must be paid for this highly immoral action. It must be paid by all Americans. We have allowed it.
Just seeing the kids in the video makes this post so great!